In one of the machine, the default url was appended with extra slashes causing 404 error like Try for few more time or sometime http-server command without swagger works. If 8080 is in use in you machine, then force http-server to start at another port using -p xxxx option.įor first few time you can get blank page with 404 error. the first one i found that http-server runs on default 8080 port. > http-server swagger-editor -o (-o will open the Editor into default browser) It should be like – http-server\swagger-editor\…. Once http server installed, unzipped and copy the swagger-editor directory in http-server folder at – C:\Users\ urUserName\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\http-server Run the following command to install http-server To run editor tocally http server is needed and you can use http-server Node.js module Swagger docs site has given how to run swagger editor locally but it bit confusing, it’s confusing to me, not sure about other’s but have seen lots of guys asking the same question how to install and run it.ĭownload latest version of Swagger-Editor from git-hub, current stable version is Swagger-Editor-v2.9.8 This is not mandatory but could be useful when creating project from command prompt using swagger commands. If any issue or error installing npm, reinstall node and then try to install npm again. Run following command to install npm dependency “C:\NODE_INSTALLED_DIR\nodejs”Īfter nodejs installation, open new nodejs command prompt and prefebly close the one opened.

Once installed successfully, cross check the path variable updated with node installed location e.g.

Install node.js to your local machine as an admin. but there are some tricks I would like to key-down here which i struggle while installing and running Swagger locally, sorry Swagger-Editor 🙂

Swagger Editor Installation is almost similar the way IBM API designer installation(local) describes in one other article.